About The Author

I am what I do, then what I think I am.

Due to deep confusion and identity crisis, this section is intentionally left blank.
The crisis is over now. Still, I don't seem to have an identity. It is ok, I guess. It is rather freeing to live this way.

My political opinion?

Occasionally a computer-human interaction researcher, figuring out how to interop with humans better.

self introduction type

[: take in info, process info, put out info :]
[: eat, sleep :]

I don't (know how to) do self introductions, since, they distort heavily people's view about me. For most people, these three qualifiers should help: sociologist, mathy thing, computer.

A hundred years ago, I would be called a scholar. Now though, I'm just a creature that thinks a lot.

Have you ever asked yourself
what is computing
To me
is thinking
nothing but thinking

You can find its traces on…


If you think you can improve my writing, or found a typo on this website, please let me know. It can also be used for sending other messages to me.

Matrix: @iacore:envs.net
Email: inquiry+site🙃1a-insec.net PGP Key

If you have interesting stuff that you want to tell me, send it here. Any domain is fine - it doesn't have to do with computing or sociology.

Email: inquiry+interesting🙃1a-insec.net PGP Key (yes, it's the same key)

If you think you can provide me with employment opportunites, please read this.

About The Writing Here

Q: How to cite an article from this website?
A: Include the following in any order you like: my name, article title, original URL, archived URL (I recommend https://archive.is/).

Q: What's with the writing style?
A: Commanding natural language is not my strongest feat. I try out different writing styles for fun. You are expected to read every article in full to understand it. For more information, please re-read.

Q: Where's the proof? Where's the reasoning?
A: Some of my articles - especially social ones - involves bruteforcing a solution out of a problem space. This requires understanding of the problem space and computing power to brute-force it. Because all solvers I use (that are efficient enough) destroy intermediate data, so at the end of a computing session, I don't even know why it works. It's fair to say that those articles are my personal experience.

Facts About The Website

Q: What is it made of?
A: This website is made with Deno, Lume and uhtml. It is hosted on exozyme.

Q: Why "insecure" in website name?
A: Because the website relies on HTTP and DNS.

Q: Why does it look like this?
A: I have used far too many build tools and frontend frameworks. Now I only wish to sleep more.

Q: Why the text is unstyled?
A: I hate using typeface to convey meaning. That said, you can download free fonts from Google Fonts, then set one as default in your browser's settings.

Q: Is there a "now" page?
A: No. An interesting property of my projects is that they are either being conceptualized or done; the phase in between is very short.