No Fearmongering. Not Again.
Some may know mostly wrong, but they feel mostly right. [Past Taglines]

Interesting Things That I Know Of

I don't know what else to put on my index page, so here are some things that I like.

Languages that I like:

nameroleappealstrongest impression
Fishshellsimple syntax i can rememberthe core team is too busy to release a new version for a critical bug. the bug is now fixed.
iolivelinesssimply elegant
Zigall-accessnegligible drag in math realmthe dictactor's arbitrary use of violence
Janetscriptingsimple lispy thinggood. it's good.
Pythonscriptinghas many libraries

Terminal: KiTTY

GUI libraries that do it right: imgui uhtml htmx

If you like playing around with language models, try out RWKV.

Games I liked playing (and may still play):