This Article IsCreated at 2023-11-27Last Modified at 2023-11-27Referenced as ia.www.b02

Equality Should Not Be Instrumental

I have known this for a long time as a sociologist, and I have planned to write about this before I created this website (see the sequence number, 02). Now I have learned more about human languages, emotions, and society, I am now ready to convey the idea clearly.

In short,

The cry for equality arise from an unfair situation, usually from the weak (the weak side in that situation).

As a public policy maker, you should resolve the situation, but in no way should you use “equality” as a reason for a public policy.

To be respected. To have enough money to buy food and live well. To fulfill aspiration in life. Those are the goals that the people want, and are what you should aim for. The actual goal depends on the exact situation you face, and you should1 be able to figure that out yourself.

”Unfair” is a feeling, so each person has a different opinion on what is “unfair” to them.

By extension, “inequality” is also a feeling; it signifies that whoever is calling for it has been wronged, and they want their voice to be heard, their needs to be met.

Yet, it is a signal, not a goal. So do not use “equality” as a goal in policy making.

My Thoughts On This

I hate politicians who cry “equality” but do nothing to improve the people’s living condition.

In some sense, the opponents of the “woke culture” (as they call it) are right about “equality” being weird.



  1. To be honest, being forced to choose someone to rule over you (representative democracy) is probably a mistake. Being a ruler need knowledge, which some politicians don’t have.