I am wary of Rust's Future
This is yet another of my prediction without reason. Heed my warning (or not).
In the past year, The Rust Foundation has done some things.
- The Trademark Shenanigan™
- 2023-05-26 https://thephd.dev/i-am-no-longer-speaking-at-rustconf-2023
- 2023-05-28 https://fasterthanli.me/articles/rust-the-wrong-people-are-resigning
- 2023-05-28 https://www.jntrnr.com/why-i-left-rust/
- 2023-05-31 https://fasterthanli.me/articles/the-rustconf-keynote-fiasco-explained
- 2023-08-22 https://foundation.rust-lang.org/news/member-spotlight-helsing/
My social sense is telling me to prepare to move away from Rust the language. I tried looking for a difference between Rust the language and Rust the foundation. I could not find a slit in between. Therefore, I assume they are stuck together fate-wise.
I have not written any Rust code in the past few months. Not because I tried to stay away from Rust, but that I did not have a need to use it.
I understand that Rust empowers people to write reliable code, and it is a genuinely useful language.
Think for yourself and do what you will.