Setting up FRP on

So, I needed a reverse tunnel. frp looked nice. OwO Someone already made a fly.toml template! I’ll use tha-

TCP or UDP tunnel, not both Since in, it is required to bind to fly-global-services in order for UDP to work, but frp proxy_bind_addr only allow to bind in one address, so we need to disable TCP if you want to use UDP as TCP does not work on fly-global-services.

You need to have a separate frp instance if you need to tunnel both TCP and UDP. One for TCP using proxy_bind_addr = and one for UDP using proxy_bind_addr = fly-global-services.

No. I don’t think so.

fly deploy.

now i’m stuck fiddling with the build agent here. i still can’t tell what’s wrong. but now it works. seemingly. 50% of the time is spent on fiddling with the build agent. On build failure, the error logs won’t show up until I push a new version awawaawawawawawawawawawa

cd ../frp/
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build ./cmd/frps
cd ../flyfrp/
cp ../frp/frps .

fly deploy.

UDP works. TCP… need to be defined in fly.toml?

TCP port number is integer. It’s finite. We can do this.

for port in range(1, 65536):
  if port == 80: continue
  protocol = 'tcp'
  internal_port = {port}

    port = {port}
❯ python >> fly.toml

fly deploy.

✓ Configuration is valid


✖ [1/2] Machine 7843ed4a253e78 [app] update failed: failed to update VM 7843ed4a253e78: http: request body too large


i hate containerization.

but how big is it?

❯ wc fly.toml
 458809  721023 6270294 fly.toml



EXPOSE 1025-1030/tcp


EXPOSE 1025-1030

both didn’t work.


at least it works now

UDP: all ports are supported.
TCP: ports need to be added to both Dockerfile and fly.toml. connections are only established 50% of the time.

I need better infra…